Are You Doing the 9 Things Positive Leaders Do?

I am keenly aware of the importance of positivity in leadership.  The environment in which we are living is so full of negativity that it can become overwhelming to process it and keep one’s positive outlook.  Fortunately, a prolific leadership writer, Jon Gordon has written a book to help us. If you are challenged by […]

How Can Leaders Remain Energized and Avoid Depletion?

It’s almost a fact of leadership life.  While most leaders enjoy the human and business challenges of leading (much of the time), what I often hear is how exhausting it all can be.  Leadership depletion has almost become expected in many circles.  Many assume it comes with the territory.  A 2017 Gallup survey reports that […]

Resilience in Times of Uncertainty: A Multi-Disciplinary Panel

We are in the midst of a once in a century shift. The Covid-19 Pandemic is testing us in ways we’ve never been tested, and over an extended and likely length period of time.  Almost overnight, our ways of living and working have been upended.  We don’t know what will be on the other side… I believe we […]

Are You a Resilient Leader? How the COVID-19 Pandemic Can Help Us Grow

Spring is upon us. It is generally celebrated as a time of renewal. Trees are growing full foliage again. Flowers are blooming. There are longer days and more sunlight. Yet with the onset of the COVID pandemic these last few weeks, many folks are not feeling as if Spring is upon them. Passover and Easter will take place this week—not […]

Wrapping Up the Year and Looking Ahead: A Leadership Reflection

Finally!  We’re to the end of 2016.  It’s been a difficult year for me and I’m glad to see it go. Of course, it hasn’t been all bad.  There have been peaks and yes, valleys.   I’m grateful, however, for how I’ve learned to manage the polarity of life.  More and more, I focus on and […]