Wrapping Up the Year and Looking Ahead: A Leadership Reflection

Susan S Freeman Blog

Leadership gritFinally!  We’re to the end of 2016.  It’s been a difficult year for me and I’m glad to see it go. Of course, it hasn’t been all bad.  There have been peaks and yes, valleys.   I’m grateful, however, for how I’ve learned to manage the polarity of life.  More and more, I focus on and enjoy the good in the midst of my challenges.  I feel balanced and grateful.

I had a colleague ask me recently:  “If 2016 were a chapter in a book, what would you title it?”  I answered without pause:  “True Grit.”  What about you?

What would you title the 2016 chapter of your book?  What about 2017?

What do want this upcoming year to be titled?  For me, it’s “Simplicity.”  I’ve been clearing out and intending to invite more simplicity into my life.  Not that it’s been a slam-dunk.  Not even close.  Yet, I am peeling off those things that at one time seemed right, and no longer do.  This includes how I work, and those with whom I choose to work.

One of the most important things about this time of year is that we have a chance to reflect.  If you’ve had one or more crises this year, consider this.  The definition of crisis is, according to Wikipedia, “a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger and “a time when a difficult or important decision must be made.”  Learning to explore crises through this perspective has allowed me the ability to make significant changes where I might have otherwise been complacent.

As 2016 comes to a close, I invite you to set aside a small, yet private space in which to reflect, write, draw, paint, or collage your lessons from 2016.   Center yourself through belly breathing and quiet, inward focus.  Relax deeply and allow your intuition to emerge.

What difficult or important decisions did you make?  What happened as a result?  What and who are you grateful for?  Who taught you?  Who did you impact?

Now set up 2017.  We get what we focus on.

Leadership SimplicityWhere is your focus for this year?

What do you intend as a theme?  Do you have a bucket list?  If not, why not? Create a list of “must-do” or “must-have” experiences that matter.  Choose one or two for 2017.  Get them on your calendar.  Commit to them for the New Year.  Then relax and release.

I am grateful for the clients and companies who have put their trust in me.  They have been wonderful partners in the learning journey of transformation leadership.  Stay tuned.  2017 is going to be amazing!

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