Are you following the 4 rules for getting valuable work done?

This week’s Step Up Tips focuses on an area of leadership that many find challenging: how to do deep work in the face of overwhelming demands on our time. We borrow from Leading Blog, in which the book by Cal Newport, Deep Work is highlighted. “The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare […]
Is Your Leadership In The Right Gear? Part 2

Last week, Step Up Leader Tip borrowed a Leading Blog post on a topic that is fundamental to effective leadership and living: presence. How many times do we notice that we are physically here but our mind is somewhere else? This is a symptom of the inability to be present, without which connection with […]
Leadership Lessons from an Exceptional Rwandan

This week we feature leadership wisdom from an extraordinary young Rwandan woman, Nadine Niyitegeka. She is a staff member and graduate of The Akilah Institute for Women in Rwanda. Nadine has been touring the U.S. for 9 months as an Akilah Ambassador, representing her alma mater and her country. Nadine is one of those remarkable […]
Are You a Learning Leader?

It may seem like an obvious question because we are ALWAYS learning. However upon closer inspection are you learning intentionally? This question became super relevant as I was doing some work on my business, identifying the ideal clients I want to work with. I feel grateful in that I already HAVE ideal clients; yet in […]
How Will Your Leadership Learning Evolve in 2014?

Why is it that when we desire change it is often difficult to implement? Evolved leadership involves creating clarity, intention, practices and habits.