Leadership Takeaways from Young Rwandan Women

As the summer concludes, I thought it would be fitting to end by showing a few short clips from my trip last month to Rwanda. These young women students at the Akilah Institute for Women inspired me beyond words; they have withstood immeasurable challenges, and have a lot to share about what is possible with […]
More Reflections about Rwanda: A Country’s Leadership Journey

This is the second part in my series about Rwanda and its leadership journey. (If you missed the first part, click here.) Here are a few of my observations on key influences for the country’s current success. 1. Stewardship of natural resources; effective planning and implementation Plastic bags are banned in Rwanda, so there is […]
Leadership in The Mirror

I often write about leadership from the perspective of emerging women leaders from Rwanda. This is possible because due to my deep involvement with the Akilah institute; I am afforded the honor of hosting two young women annually when they visit the U.S. as part of the Akilah Institute for Young Women “Metropolitan Safari Tour.” […]
Do You Know Your Leadership Blind Spots?

This week’s blog comes from Leading Blog. “Blind spots” are one of my favorite leadership topics because it is at the root of what holds us back. Once uncovered, however there is the potential for monumental change and growth. “Blind spots,” those problems that are right in front of us that we fail to see. […]
Gratitude as a Leadership Practice

This week I had an opportunity to reflect about gratitude, both for my clients and for myself. It was not an exceptional week, except for one thing; every single client took the time to acknowledge the positive impact our coaching work was having on them, professionally and personally. I didn’t expect this, but am tremendously […]