What’s Your Leadership Return?

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips borrows from Leading Blog’s “Return on Character” post. We live in an age where wisdom is only wisdom if it is supported by numbers. There are two obvious problems with this. First, we miss a lot because we are looking for immediate return. And so it puts our focus on […]
Happy and Productive Organizations are a Leaders Choice

“Leadership is not a rank; it’s a decision,” according to Simon Sinek. I’m a big fan of his work. His previous book, Start with Why, is a simple yet profound look at the missing ingredient in bringing passion and purpose to our work. Circle of Safety In his new book and video, “Leaders Eat Last,” […]
Why Connection Matters for Leaders

According to Wikipedia, connection is “a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.” This directly relates to a fundamental leadership skill: the ability to connect. Everything a leader does, requires connection. Vision, strategy and execution require connection. Getting things done through people requires connection. Leaders are able […]
Are You Leading From Who You Are, or Who You Are Not?

When we are engaged with our self, we engage at work. When we access our gifts, they spill out into everyday activities and encounters. When we learn to relax from our state of “high-alert,” we have abilities that were previously blocked from our visibility. When we can truly listen to ourselves, we listen far better to others.
What’s Love Got To Do With Leadership?

Do you remember the famous Tina Turner song from the 1980’s “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” I am reminded of that as I thought about an appropriate theme for February, the often-dreary winter month marked by Valentine’s Day In this month’s newsletter we explore the: 7 ways open-heartedness relates to leadership and influence. […]