Are you the leader you’ve been waiting for?
As a leader, have you ever had one of those moments when you saw, in an instant, something you had never seen before but it
As a leader, have you ever had one of those moments when you saw, in an instant, something you had never seen before but it
The theme for this month is how Leaders and Influencers can “Get to the Root.” It got me thinking of all the ways we could explore the problem and solution.
Why are so many people engaged in systems that aren’t effective and often are harmful? Why is it that so often we get buried in the details (the trees) and can’t see that the solution to our problem may require our pulling back to see the entire forest?
Mindset, mood and emotion are inextricably linked. Together they often keep us locked in behaviors that don’t produce our desired results.
It is no secret that many people have difficulty managing their moods and emotions in every day life. Frustrations grow, resentment deepens, and people sometimes explode. What happens when this spills over to the workplace?
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