Driven to Distraction? Step out of Overwhelm and Into Your Brilliance!

Not Enough TimeCan you feel it?  The feeling of too much to do and never enough time to do it in?  The chronic distractability?  Rushing helter-skelter through your week and never finishing?  Unsure of whether you are spending your precious time wisely?

These are all common symptoms of a modern-day malady:  overwhelm.

If you experience several of these symptoms most of the time, chances are you are using up your precious energy without having the impact you desire.  It may be that you need to “re-boot” or it could be that you need a software upgrade….

One of the root causes of overwhelm is when:

  1. You have made commitments that matter but,

  2. You cannot fulfill them.

  3. You realize that these may adversely impact your future.

  4. You don’t believe you have choices.

  5. You don’t have the tools to change the pattern.

The first three may sound familiar.  What about the fourth and fifth?

If you believe you don’t have a choice, the good news is you are wrong.

You do!

Overwhelm is physical, mental and emotional.  Learning to uproot it at the source is one of the most useful tools clients experience with my program.  Would you like to learn the most effective tools to prevent overwhelm?  (Hint:  it’s something you are already doing, but probably not well).

If you want to join in a learning community where you can develop the tools, practice, and learn with others in the privacy of your home or office, you may want to consider our group coaching tele-class, Step Out of Overwhelm and Into Your Brilliance.”

In this 5 week (once per week) virtual experience you will:

  • Develop a calm centered presence

  • Stop “doing what you’ve been doing to get what you’ve got”

  • Learn to create clarity and focus for consistent results

  • Discover the secret to reducing stress for good!

  • Create a personal plan to move forward…

  • And more!

Time for ChangeStarting March 5th at 7pm for 75 minutes we will have a group tele-class once per week for 5 weeks.  I will deliver a key principle, and then it will be your turn to bring your questions about applying it to your work and life.  You will receive coaching and will benefit from hearing others being coached.

Also on March 28th, you receive a FREE open coaching call. Whoever is on the call can receive coaching on anything relating to the course content.  Everyone who participates will receive individual coaching.

Don’t worry if you have to miss a session.  All sessions will be recorded and sent to you for playback at your convenience.

This work, if done on your own would cost thousands of dollars.  The good news is that:

The investment is only $447!

(see details here)

AND when you leave a comment below, your name will go into a hat. One person will be drawn from that hat and receive a 50% discount to this teleclass! I would love to hear your thoughts!

This course is designed to be small and intimate so all members can benefit from individual attention. We can only accommodate 10-12 outstanding women!  Don’t delay and lose your spot.

Make the choice to NOT be overwhelmed any longer!

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