Are You Creating Time For Reflection?

thoughtful woman

Happy December! The holiday season is upon us, and there is so much more to do than usual. I have found it helpful this time of year to slow down and create some time for reflection. I give myself (and clients too) the gift of looking back to make meaning of the year that has passed. In so doing, I note that never before in my life have I experienced so many highs, lows, and opportunities to shift my perspective as I have had in 2023.

2023: The year I became a published author

On May 9, the book I had been reflecting about and developing for a decade was published by Entrepreneur Press. Inner Switch: 7 Timeless Principles to Transform Modern Leadership.

This book represents my legacy; the culmination of my learning and integration of wisdom that influenced my healing from an injury and has transformed my leadership and that of many clients.

To end the year on a high note, this month the book has been awarded the 2023 Goody Business Book Award in the Self-Help – Personal Transformation category! Each year the Goody Business Book Awards are presented to social impact authors making a difference with words.

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Thank you to many early readers who have offered comments and shared the impact the book has had on them via Amazon reviews. Having a book published and getting the message out to the world requires a team, much support and patience. I have the first two and am working on the third! If you have read the book and not yet reviewed, it would be so helpful if you could do so now. Reviews are what helps my book become recommended by their algorithm when people are searching for books that are similar. There are currently 59 reviews. I would like to have 100 by February 9 or 9 months after publication.

Here is the link to leave a review >>>

Webinars, podcasts and publications

To promote the book’s message, we got the word out through webinars, podcasts and articles. Here are some of the highlights:

David Dye’s podcast: Leadership Without Losing Your Soul: highlights

Wendy Hanson’s podcast: Building Better Managers

Dr. Katrina Burrus’ podcast: Excellent Executive Coaching

Malaprops Bookstore and Café in Asheville author event interview with Tucker Shelton:

Wellesley College Alumnae Webinar:


Taking a break

This year I spent recovering from covid and viral-related complications, namely impacting my heart. Over the summer I suddenly developed a severe arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeats. I wound up in the emergency room and in hospital for 6 days, requiring a pacemaker. Grateful to the miracles of modern medical technology, my problem is fully resolved, and I join the millions of others who are alive because of these breakthroughs. Although the recovery for me has been complicated by intense fatigue of long covid-type symptoms, this month I have turned the corner and am feeling normal again.


My hope for you

As the year draws to a close, I invite you to set aside a time and space for your own reflection. It is a great gift to give yourself as you wrap up this year and prepare for the new one.

I hope that this season and the year ahead bring you good health, joy and the opportunity to create presence and connection with others.

We are living in times of intense and rapid change. Many of the old systems, institutions, and processes are crumbling, and new ones are emerging and not yet formed. It requires patience, presence and kindness towards others as we navigate the frustrations and challenges around us.

Finally, in a world beset by violence, strife and hatred, I believe the antidote lies within each one of us. It’s easy to “tune out;” and much more difficult to “tune in.” I invite you to evoke the concern, care and compassion for others in your own ways. Listen deeply. Learn much and Love always.

To learn more about how you can develop this and other important leadership skills you might not yet know, I hope you’ll check out my new book, “Inner Switch: 7 Timeless Principles to Transform Modern Leadership.” You can purchase it from your favorite online retailer at

I invite you to continue your learning journey with free tips and tools in my monthly newsletter, Inner Switch Leader Learning. No spam or list sharing. Ever. Click here to sign up:


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