When Everything You Know About Leadership is Not Enough

Susan S Freeman Blog

Get Centered for LeadershipI often get asked, “What is the one thing that has the ability to determine our effectiveness as influencers and leaders, as well as our authentic happiness?”  The answer for me is straightforward and based upon my own observations for myself and numerous clients.

“A Centered Presence”

A leadership book or workshop that ignores this perspective is leaving out something profound. Why is that? A “centered presence” allow you to dial down the reactive, habitual mind that is often stressed and in “fight or flight” mode.  By doing so, you can activate the parasympathetic nervous system that allows for synthetic and creative thinking, including intuition.

It is simple, free, and easy to do.   Yet time after time, it goes unaddressed.  People look outside of themselves to find it; yet it is inside them and has been all along.

Participants in our group tele-class “Step Out of Overwhelm and Into Your Brilliance” are discovering the impact this will have on overwhelm, and many other modern leadership maladies.  After just one class they are reporting being “calm,” “hopeful,” and “grateful.”

So how do you develop a centered presence for better leadership?


Get Centered for Leadership1)     Acknowledge that becoming more conscious is important to you.

2)     Choose a time of day and a place where you won’t be disturbed.

3)     Breathe deeply in and out of the abdomen (belly breath) for 4-5 inhalations and exhalations.

4)     Observe sensations in the body, emotions, moods, and thoughts.

5)     Write down your observations and any awareness you developed in your thoughts, sensations, shifts in mood, or heightened intuition.

The more you do this, the more impact it will have.    It’s like training to run a marathon.  It requires consistent effort applied in small steps over time.

So it is with a centered presence.  Make it a habit and what you know about leadership will be enough for many things.  Learning to lead from within changes the game you are playing.

Your outer reality reflects the inner one.

Create what you desire by accessing your whole brain and being in the planning and execution stages.

If you would like more information about easily you can learn to do this, please visit our website for details. Our next group tele-class begins April 23.

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