Give Yourself the Present of Wrapping Up 2012

Wrap up 2012Breathe a sigh of relief.  The world did not end on December 21st.  But perhaps there are ways in which your approach to your world did end this year.  Are there things you moved away from and things you moved towards?  Did you consciously choose them or did they appear as signs that you had outgrown certain patterns of living and working?

As you approach the last week of 2012, give yourself the gift of wrapping it up.  Leaders who choose to renew and replenish this week will hit the ground running on January 2, 2013.  Many of us have traditions for wrapping up; others just wake up on New Year’s Day and start a new calendar.

The invitation is to spend some private time this week writing, reflecting and acting upon the lessons of 2012.

When I did this for myself, it helped me see as an entrepreneur just how much was accomplished, but how many valuable connections and relationships I had created or strengthened.  I saw themes, patterns and successes from early in the year that I had forgotten.

Top 5 in 2012I invite you to explore these areas for yourself while considering the following questions as prompts:

  • What are your top 5 “wins” in 2012?
  • Name 5 things you are grateful for.
  • Name 5 things, habits, practices, or beliefs that worked well in 2012
  • Name 5 that were costly, kept you struggling, produced poor results
  • What are the top 5 intentions you have for 2013?
  • What 3 things can you do THIS week so you enter 2013 with enthusiasm energy and direction?

Here are just a few of my 2012 celebrations:

  • “Step Up Now” published in January and launched on Amazon.
  • Built Step Up Leader website and social media platform, reaching hundreds of people weekly through newsletter, blog, and twitter.
  • Served hundreds of people by delivering content through speaking, radio, television and private coaching.
  • Created four corporate training seminars.
  • Deepened my training and learning via on-line and in-person workshops in multiple areas that served my clients.
  • Built top talent team to support my vision and who have become trusted advisors.
  • Deepened my relationship with The Akilah Institute for Women in Rwanda.

The last tip I have is to CLEAN OUT.

De-clutterIf you have an office at home, dedicate several hours to purging old files, clippings, articles, etc.  De-clutter = de-stress!  Letting go of the old helps create space for new to come in. Plus it feels really good to fill up trash cans and shredders!

To all of you who supported Step Up Leader in our first year of business, thank you.   We appreciate your interest in our work, comments, and referrals.  Together, we step up and transform the way we think, behave, lead, and live.


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