The Two Sides

Pablo Picasso, Personnage, Jan. 29, 1971

I recently visited the delightful Picasso Museum in Antibes, France.  Although I’ve seen other Picasso Museum throughout the world, as well as special exhibitions, this painting caught my attention.

What made it so striking?

At first glance, it shows two sides of a woman’s face; one that is frontal and the other is a profile.  The soft edges of her hair create a sense of other-worldliness, where her image recedes as if into a mountain or waterfall. She appears and disappears, both at the same time.

This got me thinking about leadership.  How do we both appear and disappear at once?

There are many polarities in the universe.  Consider up/down; male/female; yin/yang; in/out; you get the idea.  Yet do we consider how we as leaders may be living in only one polarity while ignoring the other?

We are often so busy “doing” and “acting” that we neglect who we are “being.”

What if “being” became part of our leadership practice, and we cultivated “being” before we engage in communication or action with colleagues?  What would be different?

The two sides are part of everything.  Let’s embrace them!

If this intrigues you, I hope you’ll consider reading my new book:  Inner Switch:  7 Timeless Principles to Transform Modern Leadership, with Entrepreneur Press.  It’s available through your favorite online retailer through my website at

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