Are You an Evolutionary Leader?

What’s the one thing of which we can be certain? Change is happening and is a constant. The question is: “How are you leading in relationship to the rapid rate of change?”. Are you evolving faster than the environment around you? If you answered negatively or are unsure, you may want to learn more about […]
Leadership Lessons from an Exceptional Rwandan

This week we feature leadership wisdom from an extraordinary young Rwandan woman, Nadine Niyitegeka. She is a staff member and graduate of The Akilah Institute for Women in Rwanda. Nadine has been touring the U.S. for 9 months as an Akilah Ambassador, representing her alma mater and her country. Nadine is one of those remarkable […]
5 Leadership Lessons from Rwanda

This week’s Step Up Leader Tip comes from an extraordinary young Rwandan female leader. Sandrine Umuhoza, student at The Akilah Institute for Women in Rwanda and President of the Student Council, recently visited Tampa as an ambassador for her school and country. Sandrine exemplifies the dynamic potential of Akilah’s students; young women who bring economic […]
Why Connection Matters for Leaders

According to Wikipedia, connection is “a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.” This directly relates to a fundamental leadership skill: the ability to connect. Everything a leader does, requires connection. Vision, strategy and execution require connection. Getting things done through people requires connection. Leaders are able […]
What’s Love Got To Do With Leadership?

Do you remember the famous Tina Turner song from the 1980’s “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” I am reminded of that as I thought about an appropriate theme for February, the often-dreary winter month marked by Valentine’s Day In this month’s newsletter we explore the: 7 ways open-heartedness relates to leadership and influence. […]