Asking a More Beautiful Question

This week’s Step Up Tip comes from Leading Blog. It builds upon the Step Up Now foundational principle of curiosity. We coach our leaders to develop the capacity to be curious, and to engage through questions, the hallmark of the coaching leadership style. “If our questions are so unimaginative and predictable that Google can guess […]

Why Reframing is Important to Great Leadership

This week’s Step Up Leader tip offers an opportunity to explore the importance of reframing for a leader. It borrows from Leading Blog, in which a new book outlines “How Great Leaders Think.” It is one of the essential capacities we develop in coaching clients, and offers a huge opportunity to expand leadership effectiveness. “Leaders […]

How Often Are You Leading From 30,000 Feet?

I am writing this week’s tips and tools from 30,000 feet.  Literally!  I find that I can often achieve inspiration and speed while in an airplane.  From up above the clouds the landscape looks entirely different than when I am earthbound.  I notice my perspective affords me a feeling of timelessness.  I am in a […]

Leading on the Edge

A recent example of how this worked for a client is when Mike had difficulty connecting his “thinking” to his “feelings,” he used a specific breath practice. This allowed him to experience the multitude of sensations in his body that could guide and direct him to what really mattered.

Are You Leading From Who You Are, or Who You Are Not?

When we are engaged with our self, we engage at work. When we access our gifts, they spill out into everyday activities and encounters. When we learn to relax from our state of “high-alert,” we have abilities that were previously blocked from our visibility. When we can truly listen to ourselves, we listen far better to others.