What’s Your Leadership Return?

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips borrows from Leading Blog’s “Return on Character” post. We live in an age where wisdom is only wisdom if it is supported by numbers. There are two obvious problems with this. First, we miss a lot because we are looking for immediate return. And so it puts our focus on […]
A Beautiful Constraint

This week’s Step Up Leader Tip focuses on a common leadership issue; constraint. We borrow from “Leading Blog” to reinforce for our readers the power of reframe, mindset and curiosity. Typically we look at a constraint as a negative. A problem to be solved. But what if a constraint was the gift that opened up […]
Are You Uncomfortable?

This week’s Step Up Leader Tip borrows from Leading Blog. As you enter 2015, I invite you to explore how uncomfortable you are as a leader. It’s not good or bad; it’s simply a barometer of where you are. It’s not an indicator of what you may be able to grow beyond. With curiosity and […]
Six Critical Areas Where You Need to Be Grounded

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips borrows from a Leading Blog post. Introducing a new book, Grounded, we are thrilled that it reinforces our approach to developing leaders; it begins with who we are being inside. Everything depends upon that. Good leaders are healthy leaders. We can’t separate our leadership from who we are inside. […]
Why Reframing is Important to Great Leadership

This week’s Step Up Leader tip offers an opportunity to explore the importance of reframing for a leader. It borrows from Leading Blog, in which a new book outlines “How Great Leaders Think.” It is one of the essential capacities we develop in coaching clients, and offers a huge opportunity to expand leadership effectiveness. “Leaders […]