Does Your Leadership Story Need a Re-Write? Part II

Last week we looked at the ways in which leaders can develop self-awareness around their personal story. Inspired by Rosamund Stone Zander’s Pathways to Possibility, Leading Blog summarized ways in which we can shift to an adult story—one that is empowering towards who we are now. “When we are operating from the adult narrative: We […]
Happy 2017!

Happy 2017! I have returned from the holiday refreshed and replenished, and hope you feel the same. This month marks the 5th year Anniversary of Step Up Leader! I’m grateful for the decision I made to go solo, taking on the roles of business founder, owner, and client delivery expert. I’m grateful for the remarkable […]
Why Leadership Training Fails: A Two-Part Exploration

It’s almost November-often a time when companies focus on budgeting for the next fiscal year. What about training and development? As a consultant and coach, I often hear: “We’ve spent lots of money on training, and after it’s done, nothing has changed.” If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. In the October 2016 issue of […]
What Five Hours Can Mean to Your Leadership Success

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips borrows from a recent article in Inc. magazine. I work with successful, high-performing leaders who never seem to feel they have enough time. We are always looking for ways to reduce or eliminate things that weigh on their time and energy. However, we also have learned that certain things, […]
Are you a Vision Buster?

The new movie “Ghost Busters” appeared recently in theaters as a remake of the popular 1989 film, only this time with an all-female cast. The theme of being a “buster” of something got me thinking about what I do as an executive coach working with leaders and their teams. I get to hear a lot […]