What Animals Have to Do with Leadership

How are we as humans detached from the signals that are available, yet that we often ignore? There are opportunities in all of our work situations that we are often ill-prepared or unable to act upon. Yet what do we do about it?

Leadership By Choice

Inspired and Influential Leadership is a conscious choice. The goal is to become conscious of “for the sake of what am I doing this” and “who am I being while I am doing it.”

What Olympians Show Us About Resilient Leadership – part 1

Although I am not usually a spectator sports enthusiast, I admit to being completely caught up in the Olympics. I love the excitement, passion, commitment, vision, and stories of personal triumph that are the stuff of great athletes. I admit to being proud of the way our American team has demonstrated not only outstanding athleticism, but also sportsmanship and inspirational leadership to the world.

What can we learn from these young leaders, many of whom are still teenagers, about the inner game of leadership?