Leading with 12
The simple act of taking a few minutes to reflect on your “12’s” can be a powerful learning moment. Whatever you discover, it will lead you to discover how to build on what worked. If you share it, another person may learn or take inspiration. That will make 12.12.12 one to remember.
Coffee Lunch Coffee: Network, Influence, and Lead!
Why a post about networking during December, the busiest time of year? Because December is a great time to ask people to meet you for holiday “cheer” to toast the season. Often people you have long wanted to meet or with whom you have lost touch will be thrilled to hear from you this time […]
You and Your Leadership Impact? Have you checked in lately?
Whether you see yourself as a leader or not, you are having an impact on the world. Your every breath, movement, word, interaction, and every thought have an impact on something or someone else. Everything we do has varying degrees of impact. Sometimes the impact is seemingly small and goes unnoticed.
What is Your Leadership Mindset?
Your impact stems directly from your mindset as a leader, because your mindset affects your behaviors, which then affects your results.
Leadership By Choice
Inspired and Influential Leadership is a conscious choice. The goal is to become conscious of “for the sake of what am I doing this” and “who am I being while I am doing it.”