The Secret to Accessing Your Natural Leader

We ALL hold ourselves back from our goals. Although we often achieve “results,” we are rarely satisfied. We have checked off the boxes, yet something is usually missing. If our results were obtained at the expense of a relationship, well-being and health, our course is unsustainable.

Driven to Distraction? Step out of Overwhelm and Into Your Brilliance!

Can you feel it?  The feeling of too much to do and never enough time to do it in?  The chronic distractability?  Rushing helter-skelter through your week and never finishing?  Unsure of whether you are spending your precious time wisely? These are all common symptoms of a modern-day malady:  overwhelm. If you experience several of […]

The Mirror in the Box

This weekend I had the privilege and honor of hosting two young women leaders from Rwanda. They are visiting the U.S. as part of the Akilah Institute for Young Women “Metropolitan Safari Tour.” These extraordinary emissaries are raising money for scholarships to Akilah so other young women in their country can have the same opportunities to achieve their full potential.

What Animals Have to Do with Leadership

How are we as humans detached from the signals that are available, yet that we often ignore? There are opportunities in all of our work situations that we are often ill-prepared or unable to act upon. Yet what do we do about it?