What are you making room for as a leader?

Steve, a CEO client, recently relayed a story that captures an important idea for leaders; the need to let go of certain beliefs, habits and approaches in order to create something different. He told me he and his wife were recently cleaning out their basement storage room.  There were piles of things in the center […]

2000 Thoughts Per Hour

Are you aware that your brain is generating approximately 2000 thoughts per hour or 24,000 thoughts per day? Just thinking about all those thoughts is exhausting! The truth is that most of those thoughts are chewing up valuable energy by focusing on either the past or the future.

Opening Up Your Care Package

The connection between care and commitment is vital. We act on what we are committed to, and we are committed to what we care about. When you are clear about what you care about, you can engage others in your team and organization in similar discovery. To do this, you must first learn to ‘be.” This simple act will change everything in your world.