Are you a Vision Buster?

The new movie “Ghost Busters” appeared recently in theaters as a remake of the popular 1989 film, only this time with an all-female cast. The theme of being a “buster” of something got me thinking about what I do as an executive coach working with leaders and their teams. I get to hear a lot […]
Executive Presence: What is it and Why Does it Matter?

Executive Presence matters. It’s one of the key ingredients that determines whether you rise within an organizations’ ranks-or not. We know it when we see it. But what is it, exactly? Executive Presence is a measure of image-determining whether you are “star material.” It’s authenticity; leading confidently, and being true to who you really are. […]
Why is Gratitude in Leadership an Important Practice?

This is my favorite week of the year. I cherish the time to return home to be with family-3 generations in my hometown to celebrate Thanksgiving. For many of us, it’s a unique opportunity to consider gratitude as a practice; as both a leadership and a personal practice that has transformational power. Why Is Gratitude […]
Are You Owning it as a Leader?

The theme from Leading Blog this week captivates me: personal responsibility. I’ve worked with numerous leadership teams who are struggling to accomplish objectives and goals. Helping them get to the root of the dysfunction requires five essential ingredients; vision, alignment, trust, collaboration and accountability. When working with a team, I always begin with the leader […]
The Secret of “What If”

The following is a repost of my article for Conscious Shift Magazine. fotolia © maxximmm What gets in the way of our asking the “What If” question more often? How would we lead and live differently if we did? As human beings, we are creatures of habit. We make a lot of assumptions about how things […]