Mid-Life Career Pivot: Are You Ready?

Mid-life careerI’ve been privileged to coach many successful executives and leaders who are in mid-life career transition. I enjoy this work immensely, due in part to the fact that I myself once stood in their place. I remember the feelings of knowing there was something else I wanted to do, but couldn’t identify exactly what that was. Well-meaning colleagues forwarded opportunities for positions, none of which held any appeal, in spite of the fact that I had the skills and experience to do the work. What happens then?

If you’re like many boomers, this can be a bit of a scare. Leaving something certain for something unknown even in the small stuff, can make us feel fearful. But when it’s a career move, it can be terrifying.

I developed a process to guide clients through this maze, and am always thrilled to see them come out on the other side, joyfully and confidently. It starts with having conversations that matter, and diving deep. It helps to have a supported process; coaching or a group. Baby steps matter; they lead to big leaps if done consistently.

I am pleased I stuck with it; I hired a coach, and as it turns out, this eventually led me to the decision to become a coach!

If the topic of a mid-life career shift is weighing on you, I want to invite you to an upcoming event that can change all that.

On Tuesday, October, 21, Encore Tampa Bay and The Community Foundation of Tampa Bay are hosting a Town Hall.   Please join us for an inspiring discussion about how Tampa Bay can leverage the talents of people over 50 looking for encore careers as entrepreneurs or in nonprofits and social enterprises.

Marci Alboher, New York Times columnist and author of The Encore Career Handbook, will be the afternoon’s keynote presenter.

encore careerWe will hear from people in our community that are examples of individuals that have discovered their Encore and organizations that have leveraged Encore talent in their own organization. Some of the benefits of attendance are to:

  • Learn about local organizations that help Encore seekers to discover, retool and connect to their Encore.
  • Provide a roadmap and resources for Boomers that will empower them to rediscover their passion and purpose and chart a path toward lifelong productivity
  • Raise awareness of the myriad ways Encore careers can provide lifelong purpose, productivity, and security for people over 50, effect positive social change, attract new talent and capital, and boost our regional economy.

I wish this program had existed when I went through my own mid-life career transition.

Fortunately now it does!

Register for the Encore Tampa Bay Town Hall and “Step Up” to what’s next!

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