What Makes Effective Crisis Leadership?
As the reality of the Covid-19 pandemic has turned from weeks into months, and possibly years, leaders are having to adjust their focus at breakneck pace. Many are going into survival mode—doing whatever it takes to preserve cash, keep their employees, and pausing or abandoning growth strategies that were set just a few short months ago. […]
Resilience in Times of Uncertainty: A Multi-Disciplinary Panel
We are in the midst of a once in a century shift. The Covid-19 Pandemic is testing us in ways we’ve never been tested, and over an extended and likely length period of time. Almost overnight, our ways of living and working have been upended. We don’t know what will be on the other side… I believe we […]
Are You a Resilient Leader? How the COVID-19 Pandemic Can Help Us Grow
Spring is upon us. It is generally celebrated as a time of renewal. Trees are growing full foliage again. Flowers are blooming. There are longer days and more sunlight. Yet with the onset of the COVID pandemic these last few weeks, many folks are not feeling as if Spring is upon them. Passover and Easter will take place this week—not […]
April Fool’s Day 2020 Offers More Than Jokes
Today is a day that is often reserved for jokes and pranks. Often the jokester gets us to go along with something that we find hard to believe, then convinces us that it is true, only to quickly let us know that the joke is on us: April Fools! The Covid pandemic is not an April Fool’s […]
How Can You Make This Leadership Moment Matter?
We are in the midst of the worst global pandemic in a century. In the past two weeks, we have witnessed the shutdown of our entire way of life. We are all trying to adjust our footing to the current reality—- how to work, how to parent, how to support others, and how to stay well. […]