Do you know your business “love language?”
Have you ever felt that you were misunderstood? That your intentions towards others were not having the desired effect? Have you wondered why, after so much effort, your partner may not “feel” the love you believe you are offering? If any of these questions resonate, you may have read the Five Love Languages, by Gary […]
Are You Letting Love into Your Leadership?
What’s Valentine’s Day got to teach us about leadership? A lot more than meets the eye… We know that dis-engagement is happening in record numbers in the workplace. According to a Gallup poll, the percentage of U.S. workers in 2015 who Gallup considered engaged in their jobs averaged 32%. The majority (50.8%) of employees were […]
9 Things Positive Leaders Do (continued)
This week we continue our post from last week, exploring the 9 things positive leaders do. As an executive coach who works with high-performing, entrepreneurs who want to scale their organizations to the next level, I have seen first-hand the importance of modelling these qualities Leading Blog offers us a summary of Jon’ Gordon’s key […]
How Ego-Free Is Your Leadership? Part Two.
This is the second part of a two-part series on how we can reduce the damaging impact of ego as leaders. Leading Blog recently reviewed a new book, Ego Free Leadership. Here are some key insights: “Intellectually it’s easy to decide that learning, growing, or creating authentic relationships is more important than not appearing incompetent, […]
How Ego-Free Is Your Leadership? Transform Yourself and Your Organization
In the next two weeks, we’ll explore the cost of ego-driven leadership and the growth path to transform yourself and your organization. Recently I’ve been working with many clients to create high-performing leadership teams. I’ve observed the breakthroughs that happen when leaders develop awareness into how reactive habits can get in the way of effectiveness, […]