Is Your Leadership Living in Joy?

Susan S Freeman Blog

JoyHow many of us feel our joy comes from things outside of us?  Many of us see joy as the result of being able to do work that we love.  We like the people and the company; we love our work. We have issues with the people and the company, and joy flows less freely.  Don’t get me wrong; the right environment can help produce joy on the job.

Yet what if you could bring joy to anything you do?   Doing so can transform the mundane into the enjoyable and let loose incredible energy for all you put your attention to. The secret: creativity. Feeling creative and playful helps break through resistance, fear, boredom and disbelief.  We are engaged and satisfied, and more often.

Test your joy quotient with this Self-Quiz.  


  1. Creativity doesn’t just belong to artistic types living in loft studios. Work is a place I frequently exercise my creativity.

  2. I think of myself as someone who doesn’t just want what I want, but as someone who is going to get it. It’s just a matter of figuring out how.

  3. I keep blank notebooks in several places for jotting down my ideas and inspirations, and a tape recorder for recording observations.

  4. No matter how “uncreative,” sensible, or logical I might consider myself, if I have a pressing idea—a core desire—I’m going to express it.

  5. My family, my company, my community, my world all benefit when I access and use my innate creativity.

  6. Feeling vulnerable and insecure is part of the process of creating anything. To see me through those times, I call on those who I know support my project, not those who might discourage my efforts.

  7. Joy of CreativityI bash boredom when I need to by doing everyday things differently.

  8. I encourage laughter in my department through such means as a humor bulletin board, a prop box and humor breaks.

  9. I quiet my mind regularly, and when I do, creative ideas and inspirations often show up seemingly out of nowhere.

  10. I look around my world—city streets or nature’s paths—for creative inspiration and sources of joy.

  11. I anticipate unexpected twists of fate, chance encounters and unorthodox solutions.

  12. I make a regular habit of connecting with my wishes, and I’m not afraid to wish for too much. But rather than wish for personal success alone, I link my wishes to how they serve people.

  13. I use affirmations—positive statements phrased in the present tense and repeated often—to keep my joy level high.

  14. I make it a habit to do one scary thing every day.

  15. I laugh at myself—frequently.

If you answered “false” more often than “true,” you may be plugging up your joy channel.

I invite you to share your thoughts on how you access joy as a leader.  If you want support in “re-connecting” to your Natural Leader’ joy, sign up for a complimentary “Break Through Your Barriers” Strategy Session.  Joy is your birthright to reclaim. Do so and watch your leadership grow.

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