Are You a Resilient Leader? How the COVID-19 Pandemic Can Help Us Grow

Spring is upon us. It is generally celebrated as a time of renewal. Trees are growing full foliage again. Flowers are blooming. There are longer days and more sunlight. Yet with the onset of the COVID pandemic these last few weeks, many folks are not feeling as if Spring is upon them. Passover and Easter will take place this week—not […]
How Can You Make This Leadership Moment Matter?

We are in the midst of the worst global pandemic in a century. In the past two weeks, we have witnessed the shutdown of our entire way of life. We are all trying to adjust our footing to the current reality—- how to work, how to parent, how to support others, and how to stay well. […]
Change Your Mood and Emotions; Change the Way You Influence!

It is no secret that many people have difficulty managing their moods and emotions in every day life. Frustrations grow, resentment deepens, and people sometimes explode. What happens when this spills over to the workplace? If you sometimes feel moody or emotional when you are making a decision or attempting to influence a person or […]
Intentions! Leaders Are You Ready to Set Yours?

Welcome to 2019! Leaders are you ready to set your intentions for 2019? Like most of you, I am completely swamped right now having just returned from a long vacation and now back to working with new clients so I’m re-purposing my blog from 2018 with some minor changes. The way we enter the year […]
Leaders Are You Present?

Does Your Leadership Gift Include Being Present? 2018 has been quite a year for many of us, experiencing big challenges, and also significant positive changes, sometimes all at the same time. Much has been written about the importance of presence, mindfulness, and meditation. And entire companies have come to life to teach this work to […]