Is Your Leadership In The Right Gear? Part 2

Last week, Step Up Leader Tip borrowed a Leading Blog post on a topic that is fundamental to effective leadership and living:  presence.  How many times do we notice that we are physically here but our mind is somewhere else?   This is a symptom of the inability to be present, without which connection with […]

What’s Your Leadership Return?

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips borrows from Leading Blog’s “Return on Character” post. We live in an age where wisdom is only wisdom if it is supported by numbers. There are two obvious problems with this. First, we miss a lot because we are looking for immediate return. And so it puts our focus on […]


Welcome to the final post of 2014. In all the flurry of year-end activity, there is a lot that I want to express. As I write out my notes and cards to friends, family, clients and colleagues, I often challenge myself to identify a theme for my year. This year my words are “appreciation” and […]

Celebration! Your Year-End Leadership Practice Awaits

It seems fitting that the last column of the year be dedicated to the topic of celebration. As the year draws to a close, the calendar offers an opportunity to look at what we have accomplished, and that over which we have triumphed. Business, and how we are in relationship to the challenges of our […]

My Attitude of Gratitude

Yesterday was my birthday. I am so lucky to have my birthday during the week of Thanksgiving, (although I admit that as a child I preferred birthday cake to pumpkin pie every time)! One of the special things about having a birthday during this time is that I am able to spend it with my […]