The Surprise Secret Ingredient of Success is…..
Leadership is one of the most written about and studied topics in history. Vision, strength, perseverance all play a part in leadership. There is, however one essential human quality, (perhaps the surprise secret ingredient of success), that is required and not always present: humility. According to a recent article posted in Leading Blog, “humility casts […]
Do You Draw the Target Before You Shoot? Do You Create Clarity?
I’m working with a number of my clients on creating clarity. Why? Because clarity is the first step towards alignment, and alignment is critical to leadership success. In Leading Blog, Mark Miller writes: “I saw a cartoon years ago in which Charlie Brown shot an arrow at a fence and then proceeded to draw a […]
The Surprising Secret Behind Successful Job Performance is….
This week’s blogpost focuses on a skill that is the most critical driver of overall performance. Can you guess? According to Marcel Schwantes in an Inc. magazine article of 1/31/17, this skill would not only help you be aware of and even experience the thoughts and feelings of others—it would even help you have successful […]
Leadership Lessons from Your Dog—Really!
I’ve chosen to feature an entire post borrowed from Willie Pieterson, Professor of Management at Columbia Business School and former CEO of several multibillion dollar businesses. The six lessons abound with insightful, focused wisdom for leaders. Consider this as you make an inventory of what’s made your year as a leader effective… “Margaret Wheatley, the […]
The Value of “Un-Labelling” to Leadership
This week’s post borrows from “TED Works: The Empowerment Dynamic.” As a lifelong learner, I discovered the TED work through a class I took for coaches. It struck a chord and I’ve been helping clients gain helpful perspective from this relevant model ever since. Written just “two days after the very dramatic and chaotic US […]