What is mindful leadership and why does it matter?

Reposted from my Conscious Shift Magazine article. Our theme this month is mindful leadership. What is it exactly and why should you care about it as a leader. Mindfulness seems to be everywhere. Books, articles, and videos tout the benefits of mindfulness. Although the topic is “hot”; attaining it seems elusive for many people. We are […]
7 One-Minute Meditations to Silence Your Mind and Calm Your Day

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips comes from Inc. Magazine. Lolly Daskal reinforces the Step Up Foundational Principle of leaders learning to access a neutral, centered place. Leadership begins where freneticism ends. “If life’s pace is too fast and frantic, practice being mindful and meditating every day, even briefly, to unclutter your mind.” – Lolly Daskal. […]
What If You Could Celebrate Freedom From Overwhelm?

As we celebrate Independence Day and our hard-won liberty as a free-nation, I couldn’t help but think about other freedoms that many Americans seek. I often hear from clients and others that what they would truly appreciate is freedom from overwhelm.
The Inside Job of Leadership: Are you Glue or Rubber?

If you have been working on the same goal or problem for a long while and tried several different approaches, it may be a sign that you are “stuck.” The first step towards getting unstuck is to simply make a commitment to doing so. That powerful intention allows for new things to show up.
How Well Do You Manage Your Emotional Reactions at Work?

Learn how to deal more effectively with your emotional responses in the workplace. Your success depends on it! Here are 3 tips to help you right away: