What’s in Your Leadership Box?
This is the last Step Up Leader Tip of 2015. As we wrap-up the year-end, and “unwrap” our gifts, I often use this time-for myself and with clients—to do some housekeeping-both mental and physical. This can include taking an inventory. Celebrate and acknowledge yourself while creating a placeholder that helps prepare for what you want […]
Technology and Leadership: The Missing Connection
Technology is one of the greatest additions to our modern lives. Yet the way we use it and engage with it, may not necessarily be helping with our leadership effectiveness. Sure, we are more ostensibly connected-never far away from our phones, tablets and laptops. Yet proximity does not a connection make. I would argue that […]
Are You an “Engaged” Leader?
Last month’s topic was Leadership in the Mirror. Here we explore how leaders can engage and participate after their reflection using the Step Up Leader framework. Engaged leadership requires a high degree of self-awareness. Leaders who learn that the way they are being impacts every single interaction, conversation and relationship are ahead of the game. […]
Leading with 12
The simple act of taking a few minutes to reflect on your “12’s” can be a powerful learning moment. Whatever you discover, it will lead you to discover how to build on what worked. If you share it, another person may learn or take inspiration. That will make 12.12.12 one to remember.