Did you Lead and Live in Awe During 2023?

If so, chances are you are reflecting back on the year and feeling pretty darned happy. Chances are also that you were happy a lot of the time, in spite of setbacks and goals that you may not have reached. It’s easy to beat ourselves up at the end of the year thinking about all […]
Do you know your business “love language?”

Have you ever felt that you were misunderstood? That your intentions towards others were not having the desired effect? Have you wondered why, after so much effort, your partner may not “feel” the love you believe you are offering? If any of these questions resonate, you may have read the Five Love Languages, by Gary […]
Does Your Leadership Gift Include Your Presence?

I thought long and hard about how to wrap up this final post for the year. It has been quite a year for many of us, experiencing big challenges, and also significant positive changes, sometimes all at the same time. As I reflected on what topic to choose, I return to that which has been […]
5 Lessons Learned Walking The Camino

By guest blogger: Linda Cattelan MBA CPCC As we enter the busiest time of the year, I am sharing highlights of a guest column written by my cherished colleague Linda Cattelan, Owner of Results Catalyst in Toronto. She recently challenged herself to walk the legendary Camino Real. “I’m not sure why I felt so compelled […]
How Do You Manage in the Gray?

This week’s Step Up Leader Tips borrows from Leading Blog. We outline an approach to a common leadership conundrum: How To Manage in the Gray? Leadership today requires more than ever before. Leaders need to make decisions based on facts, and to discern the difference between opinion and fact. They need to analyze what is […]