Does Your Leadership Require A Vacation?

Summer is more than half over. By now, many of us have already planned or even taken vacations. Surprisingly however, a new survey from Censuswide on behalf of LinkedIn found that more than 50% of U.S. working adults didn’t use all of their vacation days last year. When they do vacation, 70% say that they […]
Leadership Spring Cleaning: Getting Your House in Order for Productivity.

In honor of the beginning of spring, for the next two weeks Step Up Tips will offer information to help you increase your leadership productivity—using effective tools to change habits. Take my new client Linda. She recently came to me with two big goals for our work together; one is helping her create a productivity […]
The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity

This week’s “Step Up Leader Tips” borrows from Leading Blog. I chose this topic because it is one of the most frequently requested topics in my coaching sessions with leaders; increasing productivity without increasing hours worked. I would add that obtaining crystal clarity on vision, objective and goals precedes your ability to work with […]
Leadership By Choice

Inspired and Influential Leadership is a conscious choice. The goal is to become conscious of “for the sake of what am I doing this” and “who am I being while I am doing it.”