Did you Lead and Live in Awe During 2023?

If so, chances are you are reflecting back on the year and feeling pretty darned happy. Chances are also that you were happy a lot of the time, in spite of setbacks and goals that you may not have reached. It’s easy to beat ourselves up at the end of the year thinking about all […]
Are You Doing the 9 Things Positive Leaders Do?

I am keenly aware of the importance of positivity in leadership. The environment in which we are living is so full of negativity that it can become overwhelming to process it and keep one’s positive outlook. Fortunately, a prolific leadership writer, Jon Gordon has written a book to help us. If you are challenged by […]
How Clear is Your Strategic Thinking—Really?

As an executive coach and consultant to entrepreneurial Founders, CEO’s and their teams, one of the most vexing challenges I often observe with clients is a perceived lack of time for strategic thinking. According to an article by Dorie Clark in the Harvard Business Review, “In one survey of 10,000 senior leaders, 97% of them said that […]
Leaning into Autumn: What Needs to Leave?

Summer is over. Officially. We are now in our first week of autumn. Fall festivals are upon us, and for those who live in warmer climates, it feels as if summer heat will never give way to cooler breezes. For people in organizations, we begin the final push to year end–Q4. Traditionally this is the […]
Courageous Conversations: How Well Are You Having Them?

One of the great privileges of coaching my clients is the opportunity I have to “listen in” on what they are learning. Coaching conversations offer a container for exploring what is impacting them and others, and how they might adjust how they see so they can engage differently in the future. Clients can and often […]