Are You Letting Love into Your Leadership?

What’s Valentine’s Day got to teach us about leadership? A lot more than meets the eye… We know that dis-engagement is happening in record numbers in the workplace. According to a Gallup poll, the percentage of U.S. workers in 2015 who Gallup considered engaged in their jobs averaged 32%. The majority (50.8%) of employees were […]
A Heartfelt Look at Leadership

February’s theme takes a heartfelt look at leadership in honor of Valentine’s Day. Based on the work of Lance Secretan, Ph.D, an author of 14 books, speaker, and consultant to clients who are among Fortune’s 30 Most Admired Companies in America, we explore the most essential element of effective leadership. He believes it is inspiration, […]
Is Your Leadership In The Right Gear? Part 2

Last week, Step Up Leader Tip borrowed a Leading Blog post on a topic that is fundamental to effective leadership and living: presence. How many times do we notice that we are physically here but our mind is somewhere else? This is a symptom of the inability to be present, without which connection with […]
Seven Steps to Develop and Maintain Ease

Below is a re-post of my 7/1/2015 article for Conscious Shift Magazine. There is a strong link between how you feel and what you’re capable of doing. Your energy level, focus, and drive are a key component, yet often neglected part of your leadership. If you are feeling depleted, drained, or down, it will not […]
What Does it Mean to Follow Your Passion?

The surest way to build a meaningful life is follow your passion it to approach everything you do from the standpoint of “What can I give?”