Are Your Leadership Blind Spots In the Way of Your Future?

Before entering the field of professional coaching, I was searching for the next step in my professional career.   I scheduled conversations with friends and colleagues to discuss my interests, while soliciting suggestions.  Thankfully, a friend recommended I read the book Presence, by Peter Sengue of M.I.T.  I read the book, and upon finishing confidently declared: […]

Do you know your business “love language?”

Have you ever felt that you were misunderstood?  That your intentions towards others were not having the desired effect?  Have you wondered why, after so much effort, your partner may not “feel” the love you believe you are offering? If any of these questions resonate, you may have read the Five Love Languages, by Gary […]

How Artful is Your Leadership?

This last weekend I experienced a rare event; a completely new form of art!  In the exhibition, “The Art of the Brick,” we were treated to the genius of Nathan Sawaya, corporate lawyer turned Master Designer of Lego Sculptures.  What I saw totally amazed, delighted and thrilled me.  It seemed so obvious in retrospect, why […]

Are You Leading Your Time or is it Leading You?

I’ve had an incredibly hectic last three months.  I feel fortunate to have had personal and business trips that were immensely satisfying.  However I noticed that by the end, what seemed like fun initially was truly too much of a good thing.  I noticed that the disciplined habits that worked for me had fallen by […]

How Ego-Free Is Your Leadership? Part Two.

This is the second part of a two-part series on how we can reduce the damaging impact of ego as leaders. Leading Blog recently reviewed a new book, Ego Free Leadership.  Here are some key insights: “Intellectually it’s easy to decide that learning, growing, or creating authentic relationships is more important than not appearing incompetent, […]