What is mindful leadership and why does it matter?

What is mindful leadership and why should you care about it as a leader? Mindfulness seems to be everywhere. Books, articles, and videos tout the benefits of mindfulness. Although the topic is “hot”; attaining it seems elusive for many people. We are comfortable with its absence. We are constantly multi-tasking, plugging into our electronic devices […]
Are You Building Mindfulness into Your 2019 Leadership Habits?

Mindfulness can be developed at any moment in the day, simply by placing full attention on the activity in which you are engaged.
Intentions! Leaders Are You Ready to Set Yours?

Welcome to 2019! Leaders are you ready to set your intentions for 2019? Like most of you, I am completely swamped right now having just returned from a long vacation and now back to working with new clients so I’m re-purposing my blog from 2018 with some minor changes. The way we enter the year […]
Leaders Are You Present?

Does Your Leadership Gift Include Being Present? 2018 has been quite a year for many of us, experiencing big challenges, and also significant positive changes, sometimes all at the same time. Much has been written about the importance of presence, mindfulness, and meditation. And entire companies have come to life to teach this work to […]
Being in order to Become: A New Year’s Invitation

Welcome to 2018! I’ve observed that the way we enter the year can have a strong impact on how the year unfolds. This year I offered all my clients a New Year’s gift on our initial calls these past few weeks. I asked them to become intentional as they envision the year ahead. We can’t […]