Opening Up Your Care Package

The connection between care and commitment is vital. We act on what we are committed to, and we are committed to what we care about. When you are clear about what you care about, you can engage others in your team and organization in similar discovery. To do this, you must first learn to ‘be.” This simple act will change everything in your world.
The Inside Job of Leadership: Calm in the Eye of the Storm

What are you doing about preparedness as a leader? What are you practicing to be prepared? Is the mood in your organization one of possibility and resolve to come up with creative, satisfying solutions? Or has there been a mood of entrenchment and “hunkering-down” based on fear?
What are you doing about the 8th Habit?

Stephen Covey, a beloved guru, writer, speaker and a leader in transformational learning died last week. He made many contributions to helping people develop and grow themselves to change their lives and our world. He is widely recognized for his best-selling book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”
Resilience: What It Is and How to Develop It

We don’t have to look far in our world to see rapid change. People who lead and influence may find themselves in a whirlwind cycle of reactivity, feeling as if the world is happening around them, and often is not the world they wish it could be. Leaders who are effective demonstrate resilience and the capacity to skillfully handle a changing environment.
How Mental Meltdown Happens and What You Can Do About It.

Too many choicesHow many of us feel overwhelmed by choices? I hear it from clients and I feel it myself. There are so many choices for how to spend our most precious resources; time and money. Research has shown that in fact, there are too many choices.