How Clear is Your Strategic Thinking—Really?

As an executive coach and consultant to entrepreneurial Founders, CEO’s and their teams, one of the most vexing challenges I often observe with clients is a perceived lack of time for strategic thinking. According to an article by Dorie Clark in the Harvard Business Review, “In one survey of 10,000 senior leaders, 97% of them said that […]
Leader Alert: Do You Know Your Purpose (and what you can do about it)

Whether you are a leader with teams to support you or a leader looking for a career change, knowing your purpose or “big why” is a power tool you want to have. It is a hallmark of the resilient leader. In order to prioritize, maintain focus, set context for effective communication with others, and […]
Can Yoga Make You A More Effective Leader?

You already know that yoga is useful for health and well-being. Yet what’s it got to do with being an effective leader? A lot! Yoga for me is not only a practice for health and well-being; it’s also relevant for leadership. As an executive coach, I’ve seen the power of yogic concepts transform me and […]
Do You Have an Eeyore on Your Team?

Leaders, do you have an “Eeyore” on your team? Someone who acts as if the glass is half-full? Someone who acts as if he is resigned? Many of us read the classic Winnie the Pooh as children (or had it read to us). You may recall one of the key characters was a donkey named […]
Are Your Managers Really Coaching?

I often hear folks speak about how they’re “coaching” others, whether it be kids, colleagues, or direct reports, and feel compelled to weigh in. Coaching, to be effective, is a very specific relationship, marked by a specific type of communication. According to an August 14, 2018 Harvard Business Review article by Julia Milner: “managers tend […]