Being in order to Become: A New Year’s Invitation

Welcome to 2018! I’ve observed that the way we enter the year can have a strong impact on how the year unfolds. This year I offered all my clients a New Year’s gift on our initial calls these past few weeks. I asked them to become intentional as they envision the year ahead. We can’t […]
The Power of a Reframe: Leadership, Life, and Limitations

I frequently get to test the power of principles I use in coaching leaders. One of these is the power of a “reframe” to create meaning from events in our lives. In the first week of the New Year, I was celebrating the end of 2016—(yes)! and inviting in all the new possibilities 2017 might […]
The Secret Ingredient to Setting Effective Goals: It’s Not What You Think

Welcome to February! Technically it’s the last month of winter in the Northern hemisphere. For most, the darkness of the season hasn’t yet given way to the lightness of spring. It’s a time when the newness of January’s New Year’s resolutions may have worn thin. It’s also the month for Valentine’s Day; a time when […]
Skip the Resolutions and Make 2015 Your Best Year Ever

Welcome to 2015! The beginning of the New Year is full of possibilities and promise. Now is the opportunity to set yourself up for what you’d like to create in the New Year. If you’re like most of us, you’ve discovered that New Year’s resolutions aren’t especially effective. According to an article in Psychology Today, […]
Does Your Leadership Reflect Your Intentions?

This month’s theme is about Intention as a leadership practice. I recently visited Bhutan, a fascinating, tiny country in Asia, just south of Tibet and north of India. Famous for its breathtaking natural beauty and unique architecture, Bhutan was closed to the West until the early 1960’s. Television arrived only a decade ago, and there […]