The THREE Things Busy Entrepreneurs Must Do No Matter What This Month

Vision. Plan. Action. Miss any one of these three things busy entrepreneurs must do no matter what and you’ll likely end up somewhere different than you expected. Let’s explore the gritty truth about the three simple (but not easy) pieces you need to get where you really want to go. From every day “to-do” lists […]
Did you Lead and Live in Awe During 2023?

If so, chances are you are reflecting back on the year and feeling pretty darned happy. Chances are also that you were happy a lot of the time, in spite of setbacks and goals that you may not have reached. It’s easy to beat ourselves up at the end of the year thinking about all […]
Become Part of the Fabric – Guest Post by Alana Muller

Today’s guest post by master networker, Alana Muller. You can read Alana’s blog at Coffee Lunch Coffee. For many of us, when we enter unknown territory or face a new situation, we have a sense of momentary anxiety… How do I get from here to there? Will I know anybody? Will anyone talk to me? What do […]
The Secret to Accessing Your Natural Leader

We ALL hold ourselves back from our goals. Although we often achieve “results,” we are rarely satisfied. We have checked off the boxes, yet something is usually missing. If our results were obtained at the expense of a relationship, well-being and health, our course is unsustainable.
Make 2013 Your Year to Network!

This year, while you are thinking about New Year’s Resolutions, add this one to your list: Make 2013 YOUR year for strengthening your relationship base. Though New Year’s Resolutions may often feel trivial or artificially timed to coincide with January 1st, there’s no better time to start than right now.