Technology and Leadership: The Missing Connection
Technology is one of the greatest additions to our modern lives. Yet the way we use it and engage with it, may not necessarily be helping with our leadership effectiveness. Sure, we are more ostensibly connected-never far away from our phones, tablets and laptops. Yet proximity does not a connection make. I would argue that […]
Seven Steps to Develop and Maintain Ease
Below is a re-post of my 7/1/2015 article for Conscious Shift Magazine. There is a strong link between how you feel and what you’re capable of doing. Your energy level, focus, and drive are a key component, yet often neglected part of your leadership. If you are feeling depleted, drained, or down, it will not […]
Change Your Mood and Emotions; Change the Way You Influence!
It is no secret that many people have difficulty managing their moods and emotions in every day life. Frustrations grow, resentment deepens, and people sometimes explode. What happens when this spills over to the workplace?
The Inside Job of Leadership: What If Its’ Not About You?
Consider the following common scenario I have seen among clients and others; they want to change something that isn’t productive; they have an intention to change it, but find that they can’t make the change happen. They have tried everything, but can’t move past the stumbling block. This is frustrating at best, and if it continues unabated for long periods of time, it can be debilitating. People often give up.
Are your moods and emotions helping or hurting your influence?
Think of your moods and emotions as a wardrobe. You prefer certain colors, styles, and weights. When you enter your closet you consider the weather, season, and yes, usually your mood before selecting what it is you will wear. But how often do you consider a thoughtful selection of your mood or emotion?