Do You Know Your Leadership Blind Spots?

This week’s blog comes from Leading Blog. “Blind spots” are one of my favorite leadership topics because it is at the root of what holds us back.   Once uncovered, however there is the potential for monumental change and growth. “Blind spots,” those problems that are right in front of us that we fail to see. […]

5 Leadership Lessons from Rwanda

This week’s Step Up Leader Tip comes from an extraordinary young Rwandan female leader. Sandrine Umuhoza, student at The Akilah Institute for Women in Rwanda and President of the Student Council, recently visited Tampa as an ambassador for her school and country. Sandrine exemplifies the dynamic potential of Akilah’s students; young women who bring economic […]

The Truth About What Makes A Great Leader

Because the Step Up Leader system relies heavily on developing emotionally awareness and competent leadership for clients, I wanted to highlight a recent interview with Daniel Goleman from Forbes about what makes a great leader. Goleman is an internationally known psychologist who lectures frequently to professional groups, business audiences, and on college campuses.  He reported […]

What Mindfulness Is — And Isn’t

This week’s Step Up Leader Tip borrows from a recent article by from Daniel Goleman, well-known thought leader and author in the field of Emotional Intelligence. What Mindfulness Is – And Isn’t. One of the foundational principles of Step Up Leadership is a strong, centered presence.  Clients have demonstrated to me and themselves how this […]

Why Leaders Need Ambiguity

Ambiguity and order are tensions to be managed. There is a time and a place for both. Generally speaking, order reproduces—ambiguity creates.