Why Connection Matters for Leaders

According to Wikipedia, connection is “a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.” This directly relates to a fundamental leadership skill: the ability to connect. Everything a leader does, requires connection. Vision, strategy and execution require connection. Getting things done through people requires connection. Leaders are able […]
The Inside Job of Leadership: Lessons from the Ballroom Dance Floor

As a leadership coach, I observe many parallels between ballroom dancing and leadership. First, being an effective leader is a lot like leading a dance partner in five essential ways: Inner structure, Connection, Intuition, Intention and Endurance
What Can You Use This Leadership Moment to Do Differently?

I’ve been reflective these past two weeks on the massive response to the brutal killing of George Floyd. As a boomer, it feels as if we are re-living the same civil rights struggles from the 1960’s. Has so little progressed in the last fifty years in the march forward towards equality and justice for all? I’ve been reading, […]
The Leadership Survival Guide to Holiday Happiness: 7 Steps To Success, Satisfaction, and Serenity

This month’s column addresses honoring yourself. What better time to develop awareness than during the most hectic time of the year—the holiday season? It’s a time when we come together in celebration, reflecting on what’s most important. While this time creates and evokes special memories, it can also be a time of increased stress. Moreover, […]
Technology and Leadership: The Missing Connection

Technology is one of the greatest additions to our modern lives. Yet the way we use it and engage with it, may not necessarily be helping with our leadership effectiveness. Sure, we are more ostensibly connected-never far away from our phones, tablets and laptops. Yet proximity does not a connection make. I would argue that […]