Are you a Vision Buster?
The new movie “Ghost Busters” appeared recently in theaters as a remake of the popular 1989 film, only this time with an all-female cast. The theme of being a “buster” of something got me thinking about what I do as an executive coach working with leaders and their teams. I get to hear a lot […]
How to stop chasing your tail: a truthful tale of leadership discovery
This week’s “Step Up” Tip focuses on a pervasive problem many leaders face: the proverbial “tail-chasing” syndrome. The “Chasing Your Tail” Situation In this story, our character, Brian, is clear about what he wants. He is reeling from being out of balance, working harder and longer, yet unable to complete things without a struggle to […]
How do you make your leadership development sticky?
This week’s Step Up Tips and Tools borrows from a book review in Leading Blog that reviews what is required to make your leadership sustainable. I have worked with many leaders who became frustrated after they’ve invested in training, development, and perhaps even coaching, yet are unable to make what they learn “sticky. To sustain […]
Practice Makes Perfect: The Art of Envisioning Outcomes as a Leader
This week’s Step Up Leader Tips offers my observations on an important leadership tool; practice. This week there were three client examples reminding me to share! You may be wondering “when on earth am I supposed to practice anything? —and that is exactly the thinking that I want to challenge. What I’ve observed in coaching […]
Executive Presence: What is it and Why Does it Matter?
Executive Presence matters. It’s one of the key ingredients that determines whether you rise within an organizations’ ranks-or not. We know it when we see it. But what is it, exactly? Executive Presence is a measure of image-determining whether you are “star material.” It’s authenticity; leading confidently, and being true to who you really are. […]