Are Your Managers Really Coaching?

I often hear folks speak about how they’re “coaching” others, whether it be kids, colleagues, or direct reports, and feel compelled to weigh in. Coaching, to be effective, is a very specific relationship, marked by a specific type of communication. According to an August 14, 2018 Harvard Business Review article by Julia Milner: “managers tend […]
The Secret of “What If”

The following is a repost of my article for Conscious Shift Magazine. fotolia © maxximmm What gets in the way of our asking the “What If” question more often? How would we lead and live differently if we did? As human beings, we are creatures of habit. We make a lot of assumptions about how things […]
Asking a More Beautiful Question

This week’s Step Up Tip comes from Leading Blog. It builds upon the Step Up Now foundational principle of curiosity. We coach our leaders to develop the capacity to be curious, and to engage through questions, the hallmark of the coaching leadership style. “If our questions are so unimaginative and predictable that Google can guess […]
Mid-Life Career Pivot: Are You Ready?

I’ve been privileged to coach many successful executives and leaders who are in mid-life career transition. I enjoy this work immensely, due in part to the fact that I myself once stood in their place. I remember the feelings of knowing there was something else I wanted to do, but couldn’t identify exactly what that […]
Why Reframing is Important to Great Leadership

This week’s Step Up Leader tip offers an opportunity to explore the importance of reframing for a leader. It borrows from Leading Blog, in which a new book outlines “How Great Leaders Think.” It is one of the essential capacities we develop in coaching clients, and offers a huge opportunity to expand leadership effectiveness. “Leaders […]