Leaning into Autumn: What Needs to Leave?

Summer is over. Officially. We are now in our first week of autumn. Fall festivals are upon us, and for those who live in warmer climates, it feels as if summer heat will never give way to cooler breezes. For people in organizations, we begin the final push to year end–Q4. Traditionally this is the […]
Leadership Independence: From What Will You Free Yourself?

It’s almost the 4th of July. The holiday when Americans celebrate the birth of our nation as a free, self-governing country. The holiday got me thinking about whether or not we act as if we are truly free. Here are 10 questions to ask yourself about how free you truly feel Do you take time […]
Slow Down. You Move Too Fast.

Remember the 59th Street Bridge (Feelin’ Groovy) song from Simon and Garfunkel? The lyrics may seem a far cry from relevance for leadership, yet I don’t believe it is. Take a look. Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobble stones. Looking for fun and […]
Getting Started: A Leadership Secret You Deserve To Know

Slow down to move fast. This important leadership secret underscores much of the work I do with leaders. At this hectic time of year, I thought it would be helpful to emphasize that how we start the day often determines how effective we are in our activities. It can be challenging to resist the urge […]
Does Your Leadership Explore What’s Possible?

How often do we bring an empowering mindset to the challenges before us? It’s so easy to stay within our comfort zone and maintain our habits; both in belief and in action. Habits are a way to simplify the complexity of what we process each day. Remember how much concentration it took to first learn […]