More Reflections about Rwanda: A Country’s Leadership Journey

This is the second part in my series about Rwanda and its leadership journey. (If you missed the first part, click here.) Here are a few of my observations on key influences for the country’s current success. 1. Stewardship of natural resources; effective planning and implementation Plastic bags are banned in Rwanda, so there is […]
Reflections about Rwanda: A Country’s Leadership Journey – Part 1

When I visited Rwanda this last month, my primary purpose was to deepen my connection to the Akilah Institute for Women. My blog post, “More Leadership Lessons from Rwanda” focused on how they were taking our Step Up Leader principles and integrating them into their world. This week and next, I will share my impressions […]
Step Up Now Brings Leadership Wisdom to Rwandan Women

My hope is to use my experience to co-create a model leadership development curriculum to build upon what the students have learned and add my own unique expertise by delivering it personally.