Does Your Leadership Allow GEFN?
This week’s blog borrows from Donna Zajonc and David Emerald’s “TED Works.” As a recovering perfectionist myself, I have found this to be a powerful approach-it’s what I used when I wrote my book. I share it with you now. “We were recently on a telephone call with a colleague, talking about a project we […]
The Power of a Reframe: Leadership, Life, and Limitations
I frequently get to test the power of principles I use in coaching leaders. One of these is the power of a “reframe” to create meaning from events in our lives. In the first week of the New Year, I was celebrating the end of 2016—(yes)! and inviting in all the new possibilities 2017 might […]
Leadership Lessons from Your Dog—Really!
I’ve chosen to feature an entire post borrowed from Willie Pieterson, Professor of Management at Columbia Business School and former CEO of several multibillion dollar businesses. The six lessons abound with insightful, focused wisdom for leaders. Consider this as you make an inventory of what’s made your year as a leader effective… “Margaret Wheatley, the […]
5 Lessons Learned Walking The Camino
By guest blogger: Linda Cattelan MBA CPCC As we enter the busiest time of the year, I am sharing highlights of a guest column written by my cherished colleague Linda Cattelan, Owner of Results Catalyst in Toronto. She recently challenged herself to walk the legendary Camino Real. “I’m not sure why I felt so compelled […]
The Value of “Un-Labelling” to Leadership
This week’s post borrows from “TED Works: The Empowerment Dynamic.” As a lifelong learner, I discovered the TED work through a class I took for coaches. It struck a chord and I’ve been helping clients gain helpful perspective from this relevant model ever since. Written just “two days after the very dramatic and chaotic US […]