Lessons from Nelson Mandela

The essence of Nelson Mandela’s gift was his uncanny ability to connect deeply with his own vision and to connect it to others. His example reminds us that what lies outside of us pales in comparison to what lies within….
What Does it Mean to Follow Your Passion?

The surest way to build a meaningful life is follow your passion it to approach everything you do from the standpoint of “What can I give?”
Leading on the Edge

A recent example of how this worked for a client is when Mike had difficulty connecting his “thinking” to his “feelings,” he used a specific breath practice. This allowed him to experience the multitude of sensations in his body that could guide and direct him to what really mattered.
Can Yoga Make You A More Effective Leader?

Yoga helps deepen your awareness of sensations in your body; once you become attuned to your body’s natural language, you learn how it speaks to you. What you practice on the mat in yoga can translate to what happens off the mat at work.
Leadership Lessons from the Back of a Balinese Motor Scooter

While in Bali, I observed many things that apply to the principles of leadership including a leadership lesson learned from the back of a motor scooter!