My Top 5 Leadership Priorities List for 2021
Happy 2021! Although the new year is just beginning, it’s clear that we are in a time of extraordinary change. The rapid adjustments brought on by the global pandemic last year affected all of us. Our workplaces, our homes, our schools—all were disrupted, and then, quickly re-configured. We have proven that we can adjust to […]
Technology and Leadership: The Missing Connection
Technology is one of the greatest additions to our modern lives. Yet the way we use it and engage with it, may not necessarily be helping with our leadership effectiveness. Sure, we are more ostensibly connected-never far away from our phones, tablets and laptops. Yet proximity does not a connection make. I would argue that […]
Seven Steps to Develop and Maintain Ease
There is a strong link between how you feel and what you’re capable of doing. Your energy level, focus, and drive are a key component, yet often neglected part of your leadership. If you are feeling depleted, drained, or down, it will not only show; it will get transmitted to others. Your energy is contagious; […]
What Walking a Labyrinth can Teach us About Leadership
The labyrinth is a unique and absorbing invention. They have been used for thousands of years throughout the world, in different cultures and religions. The simple act of walking a labyrinth can shift ordinary linear perception because they are designed along curving circuits. Usually the walker can see the center, yet because there are many […]
Is Your Leadership As Effective As It Could Be? The Missing Piece
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” This famous quote by Mahatma Ghandi summarizes this month’s focus on transformation for leaders. This is admittedly one of my favorite leadership topics. Why? Because when a leader has impact, transformation occurs, and when transformation occurs, a leader has impact. What gets in the way […]