Are You Leading Your Time or is it Leading You?

I’ve had an incredibly hectic last three months.  I feel fortunate to have had personal and business trips that were immensely satisfying.  However I noticed that by the end, what seemed like fun initially was truly too much of a good thing.  I noticed that the disciplined habits that worked for me had fallen by […]

How Ego-Free Is Your Leadership? Part Two.

This is the second part of a two-part series on how we can reduce the damaging impact of ego as leaders. Leading Blog recently reviewed a new book, Ego Free Leadership.  Here are some key insights: “Intellectually it’s easy to decide that learning, growing, or creating authentic relationships is more important than not appearing incompetent, […]

How Ego-Free Is Your Leadership? Transform Yourself and Your Organization

In the next two weeks, we’ll explore the cost of ego-driven leadership and the growth path to transform yourself and your organization. Recently I’ve been working with many clients to create high-performing leadership teams.  I’ve observed the breakthroughs that happen when leaders develop awareness into how reactive habits can get in the way of effectiveness, […]

The biggest competitive advantage is……

According to Patrick Lencioni, author of The Advantage, and Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Strategy, Technology, Finance and Marketing are still alive, well and important, but “as meaningful competitive advantages, as real differentiators that can set one company apart from another, they are no longer anything close to what they once were. That’s because virtually […]

Does Your Leadership Story Need a Re-Write? Part II

Last week we looked at the ways in which leaders can develop self-awareness around their personal story.  Inspired by Rosamund Stone Zander’s Pathways to Possibility, Leading Blog summarized ways in which we can shift to an adult story—one that is empowering towards who we are now. “When we are operating from the adult narrative: We […]